What Makes Us Slow and Inefficient?

By Aaron Nicholas

September 24, 2024

For the over 12 years I’ve been coaching doctors, one question I often get is: “How do I get faster?”

Now, obviously, this question is a bit loaded, and the answer is tricky, but we’ve all had those days. You’re 10 minutes behind before you even start, you can’t find that one instrument you know is on the delivery tray somewhere, or you’re halfway through a crown prep and realize your assistant needs to run across the office to grab something. Sound familiar? Let’s dig into what’s really slowing us down and how we can fix it.

1. We Don’t Time Our Procedures
Let’s be honest—most of us have no idea how long things actually take. We think we’re faster than we are (guilty as charged). If you start timing your procedures, you’ll notice where time gets wasted. Sometimes, it’s something as simple as not having everything laid out before you start. Fixing that “one thing” can shave minutes off your procedure and allow you to add that one extra same-day procedure to your day.

We’re Doing Too Much Ourselves
I know some of you think, “It only takes a second for me to grab this or do that.” But, all those “seconds” add up, and suddenly, you’re 15 minutes behind and wondering how it happened. Or, you’re asking how someone can do a procedure in less time than you. The secret? They get their team involved! Your assistants are there to help, so let them. They can handle setting up rooms, placing rubber dams, or fabricating temporaries. Free yourself to focus on the things only you can—or are allowed to—do.

Our Workflow Is All Over the Place
Ever find yourself staring at your tray like it’s a scavenger hunt? I used to lose track of more time than I’d like to admit just hunting for instruments or materials. If you standardize your setups—making sure everything is in the same place every time—you’ll cut out a lot of wasted time (and frustration). Trust me, there’s nothing worse than searching for an explorer while the patient just stares at you.

Hygiene Exams Are Killing Our Flow
We’ve all been there—you’re in the middle of a tough procedure, and bam, your assistant tells you it’s time for another hygiene exam. You jump up, do the check, and by the time you’re back, they’re calling you for another exam. Instead, try batching those exams. Check a few hygiene patients at once, then get back to work. It’ll save you time and keep you from feeling like you’re playing whack-a-mole with your schedule.

We Resist Change
obody likes change; but sometimes, what used to work isn’t cutting it anymore. Whether it’s trying a new technique, reordering a procedure, or switching up your instruments, it’s worth making some tweaks if it helps you get the same results faster or at a lower cost. And hey, who doesn’t like finishing early and making more money?


At the end of the day, efficiency isn’t about rushing through things or cutting corners. It’s about working smarter. So, time your procedures, delegate more, standardize your setups, and quit fighting the changes that’ll make your life easier. Trust me, your stress level—and your team—will thank you!

Until Next Time,

Dr. Aaron Nicholas
Dental Success Blackbelt Coach
Founder Monday Morning Dentistry

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