Why Can’t My Team Read My Mind?

By Ashlee Hirschfeld

September 17, 2024

I hear it all the time: “Why can’t my team just read my mind?” Whether it’s your assistant, office manager, or anyone else on your team—it feels like you’re constantly repeating yourself and still nothing gets done exactly how you imagined. But, until we crack the code on mind-reading delegation is your next best tool.

Here are 5 steps to successful delegation for you and your office manager, to stop feeling like you both stuck doing everything yourselves:

1. Clarify the Task
It’s easy to assume that everyone knows what you mean when you say, “Handle it,” but we both know that “Handle it” can have a lot of meanings. Be specific about the what, why, and when. Whether it’s your assistant following up with surgical patients or your office manager putting out an ad for a new employee, clear instructions are your first step to freedom.

2. Set Expectations
Define what success looks like upfront, so there’s no guesswork later. If you want your office manager to make sure payments are processed on time, let them know what “on time” means—by 2 p.m.? End of day? Similarly, if your assistant is in charge of managing patient follow-ups, let them know what timely communication looks like in your eyes. A two-hour window for responses? The clearer your expectations, the fewer headaches for everyone.

3. Give Them the Resources
Even the best team can’t read your mind or succeed without the right tools. Ensure that both your assistant and office manager have access to everything they need—from updated software to team calendars and vendor contacts. If they don’t have the right resources or information, you’re just setting them (and yourself) up for frustration.

4. Provide Feedback
No one gets it perfect the first time and that’s where constructive feedback comes in. Whether your assistant didn’t quite nail the scheduling or your office manager missed a detail in payroll, regular feedback ensures that everyone gets better over time. Don’t let perfectionism hold you back from letting your team take more off your plate. Keep moving forward and refine along the way.

5. Let Go of the Reins (a Little)
Trust is the secret ingredient to successful delegation. I get it, it’s hard to hand over tasks you’ve always done yourself, but micromanaging defeats the purpose of having help. Whether it’s your office manager handling day-to-day operations or your assistant managing your calendar, you’ve got to trust them enough to actually let them do the job. Remember: done is better than perfect. Let go of the need for perfection in every tiny detail and focus on progress instead.

Hopefully this helps in building your dream team! If you’re finding that even with delegation, there’s still too much on your plate, it might be time to consider an executive assistant. They can take over higher-level tasks like financials, project management, and more. Connect with me inside Workplace or reply to this email to learn more.

Until Next Time,
Ashlee Hirschfeld

GSD Queen
Chief Operations Officer
Dental Success Network

P.S. If you’re looking for more resources to streamline your practice for building an unstoppable team, joining Dental Success Network (DSN) is a game-changer. DSN provides exclusive access to expert advice, team-building tools, and a supportive community of dental professionals. Don’t do it alone: join DSN today and get a 7-day free trial!