Dental Success Insights

Dental Practice: Summit Recap

June 14, 2022

A Successful Weekend Whew, what a weekend! As the lights fade from another successful Dental Success Summit, I’m reminiscing about the wisdom gleaned from the experts who spoke at the conference. Here’s my notes from just a few of the experts who spoke: Dr. Mark Costes: “Hope is the antidote.”  He discussed an experiment with […]

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Dental Practice: When to Expand and Add an Associate

June 7, 2022

Growing Your Practice One of the biggest topics I’ve seen discussed recently is when to bring on an associate dentist and possibly expand the practice. When these questions come up, sometimes the best thing to do is to look at statistics, and how you match up against others who have been in this position before. […]

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Dental Practice: Less Clinical Time, More Profit

May 31, 2022

Finding Your Success Success looks different for each practice owner. For some it’s a boutique fee for service practice with 50% overhead, for others it’s a multiple practice group, and some prefer the large multi specialty model. Today I share with you the incredible success of  Dr. M and the steps she took in 12 […]

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Dental Practice: Training Tools for the Clueless

May 24, 2022

Abdicating Knowledge I have to admit that there are certain things in the office I am totally clueless about. Actually, I don’t even know the right questions to ask when it comes to some of the front office tasks. Re-filing problem claims, insurance questions, basically all the billing and AR stuff that goes on outside […]

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Dental Practice: Wisdom of the Tao Te Ching

May 17, 2022

Expanding Your Mind   I was reading the Tao Te Ching the other day, and of the small percentage of it that I can comprehend, I enjoyed it. Chapter 14 reads: Which is more important, your honor or your life? Which is more valuable, your possessions or your person? Which is more destructive, success or failure? […]

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Dental Practice: Thief of Joy

May 10, 2022

The Road Less Traveled The road that we travel as dental practice owners and clinicians varies individually while holding many of the same benchmarks and similarities. It can be challenging not to compare yourself to classmates and colleagues and assume that you are falling behind. However, in coaching our members I regularly remind them of […]

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Dental Practice: 30X Rule of Delegation

May 3, 2022

A Wider Perspective We have all said the following to ourselves in some capacity: “I would delegate this, but no one can do it as well as I can.” What if the above perspective was wrong? What if you are not thinking it through clearly and deeply enough? “How could we as leaders create situations […]

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Dental Practice: Changing Seasons

April 19, 2022

A Clear Understanding As the seasons change, I’m reminded of a quote from James Clear that really spoke to me last year: “Good advice at the wrong time is bad advice. Life is full of seasons and each season has different requirements. Know what season you are in, and you can better identify which ideas […]

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Dental Practice: Implanting Success into Your Practice

April 13, 2022

Revisiting the Past As clinicians it serves us to revisit and consider previous cases and determine what we can learn from them. I wanted to share this case I did several years ago that shows inadequate reduction, which is one of the major issues we see in full arch procedures. Nowadays, the fp1 and fp2 […]

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Dental Practice: “Do You Think I Should Sell My Practice?”

April 6, 2022

At our 2021 Dental Success Summit I shared with you the story of Dr. M. A case study of a DSI client who started the mastermind program with us in 2017. Dr. M faced a medical condition that was forcing her to step away from the chair, but retirement was not an option at her […]

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