Dental Success Insights

Start Up Tips: Dental Practice Edition

November 9, 2021

Dental Start Up / Office Renovation How do we build a break room that’s comfortable, but not obnoxiously large? A common consideration when opening a dental start up or completing an office renovation is the office break room. Truthfully, this is an area of opportunity to save money on construction costs. With careful planning you […]

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Dental Office: 1% Gains

November 2, 2021

Achieving Great Things So I’m a fan of cycling, and I ride my bike at least a few times a week. So far this year, I’ve ridden a few thousand miles and completed a few gravel races, one being a 200 mile-16 hour race in hills of Kansas, a 300-mile (28 hour) race in Nebraska, […]

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Hiring The Next Generation

November 2, 2021

Understanding Younger Generations I was talking with a friend the other day, and we were discussing ‘Millenials’ and ‘Gen Z’. My friend is much older, and we were trying to discover why there’s always a disconnect. Ok, boomer, let’s dig in deeper on that subject. We all think we just “don’t understand” these “kids”. (I […]

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The Hiring Shortage: UGH-Another Team Member Just Quit…

November 2, 2021

How do you reduce employee turnover? So a few weeks ago this happened just down the street from my wife’s family, and it just so happened to grab national attention.     It came to be understood that management was not listening to the concerns of the General Manager at the restaurant level. The kitchen […]

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Dental Practice: Partnership Tracks Deconstructed

November 2, 2021

Partnership Qualifications Partnership. One of the biggest decisions you’ll be confronted with as a business owner is whether to bring on a partner and how to properly select and structure the partnership once a decision has been made. If you are an owning doc, are you wanting to bring on your associate as a partner […]

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The 6 Steps of Effective Leadership

November 2, 2021

Mastering Effective Leadership “A person’s success in life can be measured by the number of difficult conversations he or she is willing to have” -Tim Farris This is one of my favorite quotes and one that we live by in the Dental Success Mastermind Group. Mastering difficult conversations is vital for becoming a great leader, […]

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Where’s your mind at?

November 2, 2021

Thinking Fast and Slow One of the most interesting people you will ever read about is an Israeli Psychologist named Daniel Khaneman.  He’s interesting because although he’s a psychologist, he was commissioned into the Israeli Army, where he was quickly assigned the task of helping decide where candidates would be best served.  He helped to […]

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What Makes a Blackbelt Dental Practice?

November 2, 2021

Sophisticated Businesses  You may have heard me use the terms “Blackbelt Coach” and “Blackbelt Practice” on The Dentalpreneur or if you have purchased one of our operations manuals. But, what does that term actually mean? I’m not referring to practices producing five, ten or even a million dollars. Our Blackbelt level practices are those that […]

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Keep It Simple: Dental Practice Strategies

October 19, 2021

Weekly Growth Meetings Weekly growth meetings are a key to enhancing your dental practice strategies. Recently we had our weekly growth meeting, and we had to address some scheduling issues. It got a little heated to say the least. Doctor time was not lining up, too many patients packed in….and the front desk wants to […]

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Purchasing a Dental Practice: Hilarious Acquisitions Story

October 12, 2021

All You Can Do is Laugh  This is a story of buying a dental practice that you just can’t make up.  If you need something to laugh about today, this is it.   Why is this so hilarious? Between Dr. Mark Costes and myself, we’ve bought and started over 25 dental practices. It was through each […]

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